How to learn watercolor painting and figure drawing

This is demo on how to do sepia watercolor washes over figure drawings, as I am doing in my tiny sketchbook. Watch in this step-by-step video how I use opaque watercolor, and a waterbrush pen by Pentel, which is inexpensive and very easy to use. The drawings I did are copies of some master drawings inspired from “The Book of Bones.” It’s a great exercise to sharpen your skills!

I explain my process during the demo, giving tips and tricks along the way to improve your painting and drawing skills. (To avoid my Rhode Island accent, feel free to turn down the audio!) I hope you enjoy watching and I appreciate any comments.

For more videos please check back here at my YouTube channel and for more step-by-step painting tutorials check out my Artwork By Mari Facebook page (and thanks if you decide to Like and subscribe to my channel!)

#Art #FigureDrawing #Artwork #Artist #Drawing #watercolor #RISD #RISDAlumni #CopyMasterDrawings — Mari SanGiovanni


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