Soft Pastel Marathon – Real Time | How to draw an apple

In this video, I will show you how to draw an apple step by step. I am using a live reference, thus you will find no photo here. You can follow me and draw alongside with me and then try your hand at your own apple (and then eat it!) πŸ˜‰

For this tutorial you will need pastel paper. I am using Strathmore toned sketchbook but you can use any pastel paper such as ingres, Canson MiTeintes or other similar surfaces. The only thing I would suggest is that if you use Canson MiTeintes to use it’s smooth side (that is the reverse side) as that will allow you to get a more realistic look without the texture of the paper showing through. As for the color of the paper, I would suggest you use either a light gray or a light beige color.

About soft pastels, I am working with different brands but most importantly, your pastels should be artist grade as cheap student grade materials will not allow you to get a good result due to the lack of pigment in the pastels and to the amounts of binder they use. I suggest pastels like Kohinoor, Rembrandt, Unison or if you are a bit more experienced with pastels then Sennelier and Schmincke.

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