Graphite Drawing Lesson with Terry Jackson

In this fine art TV show episode … is interviewed with Colour In Your Life about painting, drawing, art workshops, art tips and art techniques.

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Fine Art TV Series – Colour In Your Life
Season – 03
Episode – 02
Filmed on Location at – Northern NSW, Australia

Terry Jackson was born in 1958 and lives in beautiful Adelaide in South Australia. Terry Jackson, is a naturally brilliant graphite and pencil Artist. Her love of nature and all things whimsical with wildlife is a magical journey of emotion and joy. Her work is a wonder to behold.

‘I am a fabulous mum, pretty decent cook, lousy gardener and practicing procrastinator. I am a hug-a-tree-save-the-whales-and-don’t-waste-water kind of person and have been told I would have made a great hippy.

Nowadays I am an artist but this wasn’t always so. Now, I could say that being an artist has been my lifelong passion, that I was drawn (pardon the pun) to portraying animals by some mysterious or overwhelming force. I could say that I am an art school graduate with years and years of experience behind me….yes I could say all of that but I won’t because none of that is true…this is….

Art had always been an interest of mine. I could wander an art gallery for hours, read books on art and I even dabbled a little in my younger days, producing one or two very average paintings and a crude but interesting sculpture of a fist that was pounded out of a piece of sandstone. I enjoyed doing arts and crafts and making things with my 3 kids. I helped out doing arty things at the local primary school and decorated the sets and programs for the Spalding Drama Group (I was a bit of an amateur thespian and singer and this was a very small town (around 250 people)…we all chipped in) but that was pretty much as far as it went.’ – Terry Jackson

You can contact the artist about their art tips or art techniques directly via their website

The Colour In Your Life TV series is an art show that takes you into the everyday studios of artists from around the world. While in the studio they share their individual techniques with the viewer in a relaxed atmosphere with a delightfully Australian host and fellow artist Graeme Stevenson. The series is currently filmed in Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

Colour In Your Life is an Australian produced TV art show and website

Graeme Stevenson, a world renowned Artist himself, rides his Harley Davidson to the studios of Artists all over the world and allows the viewers a chance to go into the Art studios of some of the greatest Artists in the world.

A wonderfully engaging show that allows people to see inside the minds and the abilities of some of the most creative people in the world. If you love creativity and the shear joy of looking at the world through Art, then Colour In Your Life is the place too be.

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