No art school? – Tips for self taught Concept Artists.

Tutorials/Templates/Brushes –
Discord –
Equipment I use-

Not everyone can afford to go to art school. The good news is that concept artists are hired based on their skill not their degree. So here are a few ideas on how you can improve on your own and teach yourself concept art.

Unfortunately you’re going to have to assess your own weaknesses, and formulate your own curriculum.

-Assess your strengths and weaknesses.
-Constantly schedule time to improve on your weaknesses.
-Schedule your own projects based on games you love. Set up a daily routine as if you’re already a concept artist on those projects, and the fan forums are your audience.
– Run with your successes, and keep doing them in order to keep enthusiastic about your craft.
-Improve your skillset EVERY day with tutorials from pros.
– Get feedback from gamers who play the games you want to design for.

Things I’ve worked on:
Overwatch (PC, PS4)
League of Legends (PC)
Diablo 3 (PC,PS4)
Hearthstone (Mobile, PC)
Burning Crusade (PC)
Wrath of the Lich King (PC)
Unsung Story
Final Fight Streetwise (PS2)
He Man (GBA)
Terminator 3 (GBA)
CannonBallers (Mobile)
Twilight Monk
Nova Colony
Galaxy’s Edge
Millenium Actress
Goblins and Gnomes


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