Bas-relief portrait sculpture of El Greco

Art, one way or another, has an impact on each of us. When we talk about beloved artists, composers or writers, we mean people who impressed us with their works, which had a formative effect.
In my life there were a lot of such people! And there was a desire to create a series of bas-relief portraits of masters who had a special influence on the formation of my worldview. I chose 5 artists – Leonardo da Vinci, El Greco, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Claude Monet, 5 sculptors – Michelangelo, Roden, Degas, Arkhipenko and Kapoor, 5 composers – Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin and Tchaikovsky, 5 writers – Shakespeare , Pushkin, Andersen, Dostoevsky and Sellenger, as well as 5 filmmakers – Chaplin, Disney, Fellini, Kurosawa and Tarkovsky. It was a difficult job – to choose the most dear to me names.
I want to emphasize that the list received is not a rating of the best, in my opinion, masters, but simply the names of people, outstanding masters of art, wonderful representatives of humanity, to whom I feel a deep gratitude.
– Alexander Cherkov

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