Adventure Plein Air Painting – Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan CA

Canadian landscape painters Men Who Paint (Cam Forrester, Greg Hargarten, Paul Trottier, Roger Trottier and Ken Van Rees) work from the boat on Lac La Ronge in Northern Saskatchewan.

Since their formation in 2007, Men Who Paint have embraced plein air painting. Inspired by the work and adventurous spirit of the early Canadian painters, the group, until recently, has spent most of their painting time outdoors. Their travels have seen them at many Canadian locations, including Banff National Park, Ontario’s Algonquin Park, and Yukon’s Ivvavik National Park, Prince Albert National Park, Emma Lake, La Ronge and Cypress Hills.
#menwhopaintsaskatchewan #menwhopaint #adventurepleinair


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