Watercolor Tree painting: a Shibasaki Tutorial

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Introduction: Welcome, art enthusiasts, to a captivating tutorial by the renowned artist Shibasaki. In this session, Shibasaki guides us through the art of drawing trees with precision and sophistication. Drawing inspiration from his well-received YouTube tutorial on tree drawing, Shibasaki presents an upgraded version that delves deeper into the intricacies of capturing nature’s beauty on paper.

Elevating Your Tree Drawing Skills: Shibasaki’s tutorial begins with a reminder of the fundamental principles of tree drawing. He acknowledges the positive response to his previous tutorial, which emphasized the importance of understanding how light and shadow play a crucial role in creating realistic trees.

Embracing Three-Dimensionality: A key takeaway from this session is the concept of viewing trees as three-dimensional entities. As Shibasaki explains, perceiving a tree as a large half-sphere allows artists to grasp the interplay between sunlight and shadow more effectively.

Close-Up Exploration: Shibasaki encourages artists to take a closer look at trees in nature. Trees, he notes, are rarely perfectly smooth; they often feature bumps and irregularities. It’s these subtle imperfections that add realism to your tree drawings.

Mastering Shadows and Perspective: Understanding the play of shadows is pivotal in tree drawing. Shibasaki emphasizes that the direction of sunlight is paramount. Shadows cast by one part of the tree can significantly impact the appearance of others, requiring a keen eye for detail and depth.

Creating Depth and Realism: As the tutorial progresses, Shibasaki guides us through the process of adding depth to our tree drawings. By considering the placement of shadows and the direction of sunlight, we learn to craft trees that truly come to life on paper.

A Lesson in Technique: Shibasaki’s skillful technique comes into play as he demonstrates the art of dry brushwork and color mixing. He highlights the importance of layering colors to achieve a lifelike appearance, adding that irregular shapes and color variations make leaves appear more authentic.

Bringing It All Together: In the final stages of the tutorial, Shibasaki teaches us how to incorporate shading, branches, and trunk details to complete our tree drawings. The addition of shadows and the meticulous rendering of branches contribute to the overall realism of the artwork.

Conclusion: As we conclude this enlightening tutorial by Shibasaki, we are reminded of the significance of observation, practice, and technique in the art of tree drawing. By embracing these principles, we can create stunning tree illustrations that capture the beauty of nature.


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