Old School Tattoo Flash Pin-Up Designs Tutorial

My book about tattoo apprenticeships – http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1503214826/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1503214826&linkCode=as2&tag=g0b5bb-21&linkId=26EEVD4A7EZKAT6W

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You can buy signed prints of my traditional tattoo flash on my website @ http://grahamegdg.com/buy-traditional-tattoo-flash-prints.html

So I thought I would show you guys the painting phase of this flash sheet of pin-up tattoo designs. Hope you enjoy it!

You can a buy Copic Ciao Marker Grey Set Here (comes with a liner):

This is the best color set to get you started:

And Zig Millenium Lining Pens here:

The Paper I Use:

Also this stuff is great for practicing on:

The colour Codes of the Copics I generally use are:
100 – Black
C7 – Cool Grey
C5 – Cool Grey
I don’t use a C3
C1 – Cool Grey
0 – Colourless Blender
R27 – Cadmium Red
E35 – Chamois
Y08 – Acid Yellow
G21 – Lime Green

Please don’t forget to like the video I REALLY helps thanks!


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