Oil Painting time lapse: "The Night Magician" Ruth Speer

Before you ask, I really didn’t mean to name all my art something with ‘magic’ in the title, it just happens. oops

Also, the quality isn’t as good as I’d like it to be as I only have my phone with me while I’m in England.

I thought about editing out the parts where I was working on things that I would later change, but you know what, it’s important to show the whole process sometimes, including the fails and the restarts. Yay!!!

➳ This is a painting for my duo show with Edith LeBeau at Talon Gallery in Portland, OR, opening (UPDATED DATE) September 7th! You can email the gallery with any inquiries at [email protected].

oil paint on gessobord panel, © Ruth Speer 2018

♥ model

➳ Israel: https://www.instagram.com/izzy_is_real/

♥ music

➳ Transylvanian Lullaby by Erutan

➳ Magic Forest by Kevin MacLeod

♥ links


♥ tools

➳ oil paints (Gamblin) //
➳ olive green
➳ asphaltum
➳ Indian yellow
➳ oil paints (Winsor & Newton) //
➳ magenta
➳ Winsor red
➳ french ultramarine
➳ pthalo blue
➳ Winsor yellow
➳ zinc white

➳ mediums //
➳ Winsor & newton liquin fine detail


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