Draw Along Club – REAL TIME figure drawing practice

This is the first Draw Along Club video, where we will put up a series of reference photos of life models and show ourselves drawing them, and narrate the drawing process. We talk about what we are doing and what we could improve, including the things we are getting wrong.

We use great reference photos from Croquis Cafe – check out their Youtube channel for great videos to practise with, or their website for reference photos: http://www.onairvideo.com/croquis-cafe-photos3.html – and if you like their resources please consider sending them a donation, so that they can continue making them.

In this video, we’ll be drawing a variety of different figures – three 3 minute poses, two 5 minute poses and one 10 minute pose. It would be great if you’d like to draw along with us, so get some paper ready, or if you prefer to just watch and listen, that’s great too!

We will do more of these if you enjoy them and find them useful – please hit the like button to let us know, or leave a comment.

Thanks for watching 🙂


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