3 Ways to Shade Hair! | How to color anime hair

Shading hair can really add dimension and life to a drawing. You can make it look so realistic or super cartoony. It’s fun to mess around with different techniques and see what you like best.

Each method is slightly different, but they all have the same end result: shading in hair to bring some depth and dimension to an artwork. Basically, you should start on a mid-tone then add shadows and high lights on it to give shape and depth.

Dicentra Asterisk in this video demonstration will show you how to shade hair on an Anime-style portrait in 3 different ways. Try to repeat her process even on different software, you should find the same commands and function on any other drawing app.


Hello everyone! This is the first episode to my tutorial series.
Shading in hair is my favorite thing to do because it can really bring dimension to an artwork.
In this video I go over 3 different ways I color in hair using Paint Tool Sai.
The version of Sai I’m using is Sai 2. However, you can still use these brush settings in the first version of Sai!

DA: https://www.deviantart.com/dicentrasterisk
Tumblr: http://www.dicentrasterisk.tumblr.com
Instagram: @dicentrasterisk

#how to color anime hair


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