Tiger – Pencil & dry brush oil painting – Michael Slotwinski
See me paint a Tiger using a Dry Brush Technique with Oil Paints. This is my first time using this technique. Simply dab your brush into the paint and rub the majority of it off onto a cloth. Then begin to gently scrub the paint onto your paper. Practice makes perfect, I made my first attempt on some scrap piece of paper and figured it out after only a few lines. I love it!
NOTE: I began my under-drawing while living in England away from my art studio. I had to wait a few weeks until I returned to Canada to actually paint it . . . which is why you can already see sketch-lines at the start of the video. I ended up erasing much of them when I went back over them with a harder edge because my original sketch lines were a bit distracting from the style I wanted to portray for my end result.
You can watch a quick stationary progression video on my YouTube channel, and see more artwork on my website: Slots Art Studio.