Large en plein air oil painting of the Sedelle

I had painted this for my new downloadable site, the first series being on oil painting, but do not have my radio mics here, so the background noise is too poor for good quality 🙁 I have enough footage not to need to do a voice over so will do a further painting knife today to complete all and I will share and make this one a free gift to you all in order that you may, hopefully, enjoy this lovely place and experience? Painting fat over lean with a rapid technique to complete in just 4 hours.

Many of you have asked for more structured art teaching films, step by steps and lessons. At last we are producing this for you! At we are starting our series with “Oil Painting” based on especially selected films, illustrations and teaching from the past twenty years. These are backed up, from start to finish, by working photos, material and colour lists, drawings and technical backup. You even have a choice of membership from buying individual films to access to everything! Our aim is to make this affordable and accessible for all. Within this film you will see much of what we are offering and will be offering in the future as this expands into other mediums and methods. Most subjects are covered and we will add more in the future, taking into account your requests. I will also be available to give advice and assistance as you paint from the lessons. I do hope that you will find our new venture exciting and useful.


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