How to draw anime using only 1 pencil – Mkiss L VARTIST

Watch my Part I? Just click:

Btw, this video was suppose to be posted last week but got some health issues and been resting, but I’m fine now. Sorry for your wait.

This is an additional One Pencil Anime Drawing Tutorial for my graphite tutorial set, and we’ll be Drawing a “Guy”. XD I hope you’ll like it.

This tutorial will guide you to:
*Draw anime “guy” using one 4B pencil only.
*Draw anime guy step by step.
*Make proper outlines and shadings.

and also, your comments is mind-blowing, wow, I’m now falling for my subs, hehe, pls, if u have any suggestions, just leave your comments below so I can take note of it. : )

thank you… and luv u guys…

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