Airbrush stencil mapping – Airbrushing a locomotive on guitar complete walkthrough with comentary

On this video, you can see how easy it is to map out an image by using an HD airbrush stencil From
Airbrushing this electric guitar was on the easy side because it is a flat surface. Also, black and white paintings are much faster to complete than a full-color custom paint job.

To make the painting process more comfortable and durable its important to disassemble the guitar.
The selection of the train (locomotive) picture was from the customer….a really good selection but it comes to the artist on how to integrate the painting into the surface provided.

By using this image transfer method is possible to save hours on preparing to start painting and simply jumping straight to the airbrushing part. There’s no need to manually cut stencils or need to draw an outline.

Some features that come up with this method is that you can control how much of the image you want to map out, by spraying a darker image you’re able to airbrush faster but if you want to challenge yourself you can simply spray lighter so that the guidelines are barely visible. And of course, if you simply want to spray it to full saturation you can also do that too.

Another advantage of this airbrush transferring technique is that you can easily transfer the entire design whether is a simple flower or a complex image like the locomotive for example. If the artist was to draw an outline it could’ve taken him many hours to get to the point of starting to actually airbrush.

Those are just some advantages to this method but of course, there are many more advantages to it that are not discussed here.

The selection of tools is important as well, for example, if you are airbrushing small scale paintings you might want to use an Iwata micron or any airbrush that allows you to do more detailed work.

This process is ideal for airbrush artists of all levels

The tools used are
Iwata airbrushes
Iwata airbrush compresor
createx colors – wicked line and illustration colors.
Electric guitar for surface
Speedball Dip pen with multiple nibs.
Fine bristly brush

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