Academy of Fine Art Germany – Learn Figure Drawing
Location of Academy of Fine Art Germany:
Frankfurt am Main is a dynamic and international metropolis. With the German stock market and the European Central bank it is an important city in Europe. Because of the impressive skyline it is also called Mainhattan.
As an international transport hub, Frankfurt offers quick and easy accessibility. Here you will find everything you need. Culture, lifestyle, free-time activities, nature and nightlife. From the artist’s eye, there is a great diversity, such as the Museum Mile. There is the Städel museum. One of the most famous museums in Germany.
Nearby is the beautiful city of Bad Homburg. We decided to found the Academy in Bad Homburg, because of the learning atmosphere and the beautiful environment. Bad Homburg itself is a city that offers a good infrastructure, countless parks, a shopping street with nice restaurants and cafes and many other opportunities to enjoy your time. Should it be a bit more action, you are in about 20 minutes by public transport in Frankfurt am Main.
“Figure drawing” or “Figure painting” is the portrayal of a naked human body. It is one of the most difficult practices in art and serves as one of the most important ones as well. It helps you knowing and portraying the proportions and anatomy of the human figure and also gives you the ability to study light and shadow.
During this practice, different body parts and their structure, function and corporal vividness are subordinate to the whole. Nude subjects in art have a long tradition, centering around the aesthetics of the human body.
You will learn figure drawing and painting in a professional, optimal atmosphere. Whether you will be using graphite, charcoal or oil paint you will be taught in a traditional manner. Drawing exercises and sketches of different poses will be included alongside a longer carried study of the human figure.
All of this will help you gain a better understanding of the human body.
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Kommende Workshops:
Aktzeichnen mit Bleistift oder Kohle
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Aktmalen in Öl
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04.09 – 08.09.2017
Unter Aktzeichnen und Aktmalen versteht man die bildnerische Darstellung des nackten menschlichen Körpers. Die Abbildung des unbekleideten Körpers ist eine schwierige, aber zugleich enorm wichtige künstlerische Aufgabe. Du lernst dabei die Proportionen und Anatomie der menschlichen Gestalt kennen und wie man diese portraitiert. Außerdem bietet sich dir die Möglichkeit Licht und Schatten zu studieren.
Dabei werden die Teile des Körpers in ihrem Aufbau, ihrer Funktion und ihrer Plastik betrachtet und dem Ganzen untergeordnet. Aktmodelle haben in der Kunst eine lange Tradition, bei der es um die Ästhetik des menschlichen Körpers geht.
In einer guten Atmosphäre und einer optimalen und professionellen Umgebung lernst du Malen und Zeichnen vom Aktmodell. Ob Bleistift, Zeichenkohle oder Ölfarben, du lernst diese Disziplin im traditionellen Sinne. Der Kurs beinhaltet Zeichenübungen und das Skizzieren verschiedener Posen, sowie eine Langzeitstudie der menschlichen Gestalt.
All dies führt zu einem besseren Verständnis des menschlichen Körpers.
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